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The 5 Week Shortcut to an Online Business that Gives You More Freedom, Flexibility, and Time Than You'll Know What to Do With

(Even if you have NO technical experience)

digital marketing revolution







running man icon mindset and marketing

Abandon the rat race and stop working for someone else.

lock icon mindset and marketing

Secure yourself and family from the next recession, pandemic, or global crisis.

man raised arms ico

Stop missing out on life's important moments because you don't have the time or money.

For the first time in human history, every single one of us has the opportunity to change our lives with the power of an online business.

To work from anywhere, be our own boss, and make a deeper impact on other people's lives. You know it's impossible to have financial freedom while working only when you want & from anywhere in the world.

Millionaires are being made daily for everyone once you realise you don't want to serve a local zip code, you want to serve the globe.

It doesn't matter what your background is, education level is, what race you are, or even if you're at absolutely ground zero and don't have a clue what to start your business in.

The opportunity at this specific time isn't just about the power of the internet. While many of the successful entrepreneurs you met in the movie have been doing this for decades, they'd all be the first to admit that starting RIGHT NOW is the easiest time ever to get started.

This is because the pandemic compressed the next

 5-10 years of online business growth into 1 single year.

It pushed more people online than ever and creaetd countless online customers who are now comfortable spending money online doing it more frequently

People ask me all the time if they missed the gold rush. Right now is the best time there's ever been in history to start an online business and become wildly successful.

Mike Filsaime, Founder of Groove.cm
Groove.cm logo

The time is now and the revolution is happening.

All you need is an internet connection, a gew ahou a week and a desire for financial freedom

and this can be your reality:

Earning a great income living with complete freedom and working from anywhere you want

Aisling Burke

Like Aisling Burke who went from being overwhelmed working in an office everyday to now working from different city every month in the world's most beautiful locations- and making over £15K per month.

Having the power to give yourself raise every day and no longer depending on anyone else...

Like Michael Ferran who went from living on benefits to starting a Freedom Factory teaching calisthenics and now makes over £5K per month (and growing ).

Michael Ferre

...and you won't even be limited by serving the people in your zip code because now you will be able to serve the entire globe and reach millions.

Aisling Burke

Like Orlagh Maye who went from teaching aesthetics classes locally to now running an online course reaching the globe that generates over £10K per month.

Best of all, it's one of the only industries that wasn't just immune from the pandemic, it actually thrived.

Having an online business might be a ticket to the easy life, but that doesn’t mean building one is easy.

For many of the entrepreneurs you met in the movie, it took them YEARS of trial & error to get to where they are now living their current level of success...

But now in 2023, it is easier than ever with the method that you're about to learn.

We have used the combined wisdom of all the experts in the movie (which literally equals billions of generated dollars and countless decades of experience) to create a truly unique formula for getting your online business up & running faster than ever. 

We have developed the “Freedom Factory” method which makes it easier and faster than ever to start transforming your life with everything you’ve learned in the movie.

In fact, thousands of people have used this method to make their first amount of life-changing money in a matter of weeks.

I have now mastered a process that I have used to help over 50 people start a 7 figure business, hundreds of people to start a 6 figure a business, and thousands of people to start a 5 figure business.

Now I’m going to tell you something that you won’t hear often from people in my industry:

You don’t need to build a 6 or 7 figure business to drastically change your life.

If you’re like most people starting out, even just an extra 2 or 3 grand every month can make a massive difference on your life and overall well-being.

The beauty of this process is that once you get started, there’s no way to go but up. After you generate your first income online, you will see opportunity everywhere and growth will happen on an automatic basis.

Why most people fail with their online business or

Give up too soon...

 The most important thing I’ve learned through my own early challenges and working with so many aspiring entrepreneurs is that there’s one simple reason why so many of us struggle early on.

Finding incredible levels of success online happens by meeting a market with your product/service at the perfect time.

Every single day, there’s new opportunities for anyone to do this but time moves fast and those opportunities don’t wait around.

You need to be able to move fast to catch them and a lot of people aren’t able to because of the time it takes to learn the various technical components of their online business.

Here are just some of the technical skills that you need to learn in order to run your online business...

How To Design & Build Your Web Pages

Set Up Your Payment Links

Build Your Sales Funnels

Create Your Digital Products

Set Up Checkouts For Your Products

Write & Automate Your Emails

Build Your Members Area

Learn Copywriting Skills

Manage Your Affiliate Center

For most people who are just starting out, they spend months or even years learning all the skills and tools they need to run their online business that by the time everything’s built, the moment has passed and the opportunity they’ve been working towards is now gone.

They scramble to tap into a new market or create a new product but they can’t keep up fast enough with the technical demands of running the business. They end up in a constant loop where they’re always lagging a couple steps behind these golden opportunities because you don’t have the time or money to keep up.

I call this

"The Time-Lag Purgatory"

It’s a purgatory that can last years. They’re never operating fast enough to be truly successful but they can’t bring themselves to quit because they know what’s on the other side if they get it right.

But eventually reality sets in and ends up killing the dreams of these would-be entrepreneurs before their great idea ever truly gets a chance to meet their market the right way.

There are 3 primary problems that cause

"The Time-Lag Purgatory"


You're not a technical person

You’re being forced to painfully learn as many as 18 different apps or services one by one (and then figure out how to link them all together).


Paying for all the different apps

Which can easily total a minimum of $2,000 every month for just the basic apps and services you need alone (not including the cost of time).


Trying to learn from multiple sources

Instead of using a clear roadmap that takes you step by step from

A to Z. This only leads to confusion and will slow you down massively.



The Shortcut To Building Your Own “Freedom Factory” & Making Your First 4 Figures Online In A Matter of Weeks

The Shortcut To Building Your Own “Freedom Factory” & Making Your First 4 Figures Online In A Matter of Weeks